Displaying the True Beauty of the Western Lifestyle

“Poetry is a matter of life, not just a matter of language.” - Lucille Clifton

Like many of us, Kelly Berg has a deep passion for the ranching industry and western lifestyle. Ranching isn’t his main job, but it’s the type of work he lives for and wants to do every day as it fills his heart with joy and provides true fulfillment. However, what makes his story unique is his ability to express and portray why this lifestyle is so important to all of us through his cowboy poetry. 

Kelly began writing poetry towards the end of his high school days and has carried this passion with him even after graduating from Lakeland and Vermillion College, Alberta. What started as somewhat of a funny joke to express his love for John Wayne movies quickly turned into an important part of who he is as a person. You see, Kelly turns to poetry as a method of overcoming anxiety and depression. Poetry is his outlet and after seeing how it has helped him overcome his own challenges, he now takes it upon himself to write quick poems for others who are walking through their own personal storms to be a means of support for those he cares about.

Cowboy poetry comes naturally to Kelly.  He says, “The life I live is poetry itself.” Kelly believes that whether it’s farming, ranching or you just love the lifestyle and the feel of riding a horse; there is something poetic about who we are and what we do for a living.

Kelly’s advice for anyone wanting to get into poetry is to make sure you feel it on your heart to do and when you do decide to start writing, write from the heart.

Be sure to follow Kelly’s instagram @kelly.berg.566 to follow along with his cowboy poet journey. 


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